
Join us at Bloomberg’s EMEA Headquarters – home of the company’s London Engineering Office – for our first TypeScript Community Meetup!

Wednesday, 2nd October 2024
18:00 – 21:15 BST
Refreshments will be provided

You can expect three exciting talks, as well as plenty of time to meet and discuss all things TypeScript with members of the London TypeScript community, including a number of TypeScript contributors.

Our schedule for the evening looks like this:

18:00 | Doors open

18:50 | Intro by Alistair Smith and Rob Palmer

19:00 | Building Better CLI Apps by Michael Molisani
Michael works on JavaScript Infrastructure at Bloomberg and is a TypeScript contributor.

This talk will look at the core principles to consider when building great CLI applications, and how TypeScript can be used to make this a breeze.

19:30 | Optimizing JavaScript Engine Performance by Oliver Medhurst, aka @canadahonk
Oliver is a TC39 Invited Expert and the creator of Porffor – an experimental Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) JavaScript engine that can compile TypeScript to Wasm and native code. It has graduated from being a hobby project to now being a full-time activity.

In this talk, Oliver will show how native TypeScript support in JavaScript engines can present interesting optimization opportunities. Type annotations from TypeScript can act as hints to the AOT compiler to allow optimizations that reduce output size, improve performance, and more!

20:00 |  Break

20:20 | Faster TypeScript Compilation by Ashley Claymore
Ashley is a JavaScript Infrastructure developer at Bloomberg and a TypeScript contributor. As a TC39 delegate, he has helped advance several JavaScript language proposals, notably championing ES2023’s Change Array by Copy.

Unlike Porffor, most JavaScript engines cannot execute TypeScript natively and therefore need to compile TypeScript into JavaScript before it can be run. This talk will explore an innovative compilation technique for TypeScript that can be used to speed up this type-stripping process, in addition to offering developers several other benefits.

20:50 | Break

21:15 | Evening ends

While there will be no livestream, all of the talks will be recorded and made available online on the “Inside Bloomberg” channel on YouTube after the event.

We hope you can join us!

If you require dietary accommodations, please email us at bbevents@bloomberg.net.

When & Where

Wednesday, 2nd October 2024
18:00 – 21:15 BST

Bloomberg London
3 Queen Victoria Street
London EC4N 4TQ, United Kingdom



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