
We are pleased to invite you to join us virtually for the fall edition of the Bloomberg Green Summit on November 9, 2021.

Against the backdrop of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Bloomberg will convene corporate leaders, government officials and industry specialists from NGOs, IGOs and academia for conversations focused on creating solutions to support the goals set forth at COP26. 

Leveraging Bloomberg’s exclusive data and reporting, topics will include achieving net zero, cutting carbon and methane emissions, re-imagining the built environment, accelerating the adoption of renewable energy, advancing the transition to green transportation, investing in climate technologies and the impact of weather.

When & Where

November 9, 2021
10:00 am – 3:00 pm

*Register now to submit your questions in advance and to join the virtual event – available both live and on-demand.

Contact Us
London: Trisha Nayee | tnayee@bloomberg.net
New York: Jason Zimmermann | jzimmerman46@bloomberg.net


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