Au cours des 5 dernières années, Bloomberg est devenu l’un des principaux leaders sur le marché indiciel. En renforçant son positionnement suite à l’acquisition et au développement des indices obligataires de renom qu’étaient les indices Barclays, Bloomberg se place désormais à l’avant-garde de l’innovation pour développer sa propre suite d’indices Equity.
Nous répondons donc à la demande de nombreux investisseurs pour enfin offrir une solution complète et compétitive sur le marché des Actions et par la même répondons aux besoins de tous nos clients indiciels en recherche d’une solution multi-asset.
Ce séminaire aura pour but de présenter à tous les Asset Managers et Asset owners de la place une introduction détaillée de notre nouvelle gamme d’indices avec donc un focus très particulier sur nos indices Equity.
L’agenda proposé est le suivant:
– Présentation globale des indices Bloomberg
– Focus Indices Actions: Indices standard US
– Facteurs de Style Actions: Approche cohérente avec notre model Factoriel
– Indices Actions ESG
– La suite en 2020? Notre Roadmap sur les indices Actions EMEA
– Questions/Réponses

Paul Salerno
Paul Salerno is the Global Head of Index Sales and Relationship Management, a role he has been in since late 2019. He led both PORT and Index sales at Bloomberg following the acquisition of Barclays Risk, Analytics and Index Solutions for three years prior. At Barclays Investment Bank, he had served for eight years as Head of Index and POINT Sales and Marketing (Americas), and subsequently as Co-Head of Barclays Risk Analytics and Index Solutions. Before Barclays, he was a Senior Vice President in Research for Lehman Brothers until 2008. He started his career at Bloomberg in 1996. Paul graduated from Rutgers University in 1996 with a BS in Finance.

Alan Campbell
Alan is Global Product Manager of Bloomberg’s benchmark index business. He is responsible for all business areas across equity, commodity, currency, crypto and fixed income. Based in New York, he has experience providing solutions to buy-side and sell-side firms that employ index strategies. Prior to his current role, Alan led teams in London responsible for creating Bloomberg’s fund platform, as well as global economic and derivatives platforms. He holds a BA in Business with Languages from Glasgow Caledonian University and holds a diploma in Economics from Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Pforzheim.