
Bloomberg and Accenture are honored to invite you to join us virtually on June 7 for Thriving in the New Normal: Leading through Geopolitical Volatility and Compressed Transformation virtual briefing.
A global pandemic, accelerating climate change, and increased geopolitical volatility have created a vastly unpredictable business environment. In order to succeed in this environment, new dimensions of preparedness, agility, and adaptability at the corporate and institutional levels are needed.
During this virtual briefing Bloomberg will convene industry practitioners and experts who will discuss how Finance, Risk and Sustainability leaders can lead their organizations through the new global normal of unprecedented volatility. As a member of the virtual delegation, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in Q&A with our mainstage speakers, network and participate in meaningful conversations in our online community portal.


  • Anja Manuel, Cofounder & Partner, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC
  • Reva Goujon, Senior Manager, Corporate Advisory, Rhodium Group
  • Daniel Klier, President & CEO, Arabesque S-Ray
  • Anja Manuel, Cofounder & Partner, Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel LLC
  • KC McClure, CFO, Accenture
  • Brad Sparks, Executive Director, The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S)

Topics Include:

  • Volatility & Resilience: The Call for Greater Agility
  • The Green Bottom Line: Measuring Sustainability to drive Impact and Value
  • Need for Speed: Technology as Enabler of Compressed Transformation

When & Where

Tuesday, June 7, 2022
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM ET | 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM BST

Virtual Event

Participation is complimentary. Register now to submit your questions in advance and to join the event, available both live and on demand.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Trisha Nayee | tnayee@bloomberg.net


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